I woke to the tune of a strange, soft song. I had been sleeping on an ice patch for ages now. As I glanced around I thought, This is a strange place....
I fixed my eyes on a plump-ish female panda.
"Welcome to Jamaa," She said with a cheery smile that made me smile too. "I am Liza, the Panda Shaman."
"We Shamen are here to assist you on your journeys."
"Wait wait hold up.." I said. "What is Jamaa? And why am I here? Where did I come from?"
"I know not of that, my dear wolf. But I do know you'll have lots of fun here!"
"Okay..." I said unsurely. "I guess."
"Great! Hmm... oh I forgot! Take these, they're called gems. It's Jamaa's currency." She said beaming.
I took the gems, thanked her, and walked off into the yonder that animals call Jamaa.....
Characters List
Flora Canyonflower
The main protagonist. Likes music, mysteries, and making new friends. Dislikes bullies, zebra meat, and the colour zink, zebra striped pink.
Leaping Bravehiker
Flora's best friend. A rusty wolf with silver eyes. Half blind. Dislikes jerks, bullies,etc. Likes chocolate pie ^_^
Wretched Fieryspirit
The antagonist of the series. Leads his army of cursed wolves to plot against the Jammers, trying to take over. Hates Flora and Leaping foiling his plans. Black wolf with many scars covering him.
A small seal ally that's true name is unknown. Flora has given him the nickname SharkBait, hence him wondering around by sharks a lot. He's very young and likes to adveture with Flora and Leaping. Likes to play with his toes. Thinks of Flora and Leaping as parents...
Chapter 1: Friends Come in Handy
As I was wondering around lonely-y in a land with broken down temples, I ran into a rusty-coloured wolf.
"Oh, uh, sorry mister! I was just adventuring around." I said.
"It's fine ma'am," The rusty wolf said nicely. "I don't mind. It was just an accident.:
"Yeah," I said. "I... I just can't help apoligizing. Anyways, do you know where... Umm... Zeey-oz is?" I said, pointing to the map I had."
"You mean Zios?" He said. "Well... We're in it!"
"Ohhhh," I said quite dimmly.
"Oh, where are my manners? I need to introduce myself. I am Leaping, Leaping Bravehiker."
"I'm Flora Canyonflower." I said politely.
"I like your name," He said.
"Thank you." I replied, blushing.
"Anyways, need a tour? You seem like you're new." Leaping said.
"Oh uh, sure!" I said.
"Okay let's go! First stop, the coldest place in Jamaa, Mt. Shiveer!" He said with a big grin on his muzzle.
Chapter 2: Under construction, NUU PEEKEY